Good Shepherd School Advisory Council
School Advisory Councils are an essential component of governing and operating Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Melbourne. They provide a forum for consultation and participation for parish and school communities.
The councils are advisory and call on that part of our wider Catholic tradition that sees advice given in the framework of mutual respect, right relationship and hope: a foundation of our trinitarian faith.
In keeping with the objects of the MACS Constitution, which states “The good work of educating the young, undertaken in the light of the Gospel, is a co-responsible task led by every member of the Catholic school community”, the School Advisory Council provides a crucial point of connection between the wider school community and school leaders. While the School Advisory Council does not have governance responsibility or decision-making authority, it supports the principal and school leadership and provides an important connection to the parish. It is not a governing body but its role is to support the overall governance of the system as it “is to give consideration to, and advice on, important school matters in order to support the principal and the strategic interest of the school.” (Working Together in Mission p.11)
Some ways the Good Shepherd School Advisory Council supports the school and the principal:
Good Shepherd School Advisory Council Ex-Officio Members 2023:
Fr Andrzej Madry
Mrs Jacqui Marshall
Ms Ferial Davis
Parent Representative Members:
Klara Baka (Chair)
Chantelle Antoun
Samantha Chakraborty
Alvin Gomes
Desmond Tiong